Abstract Guidelines :
An abstract should normally be within 300 words (excluding titles & key words). It should give an outline/summary of the work with the substantive results and major conclusions. It should preferably be structured and include sub sections: Background/ introduction/ rationale; Methods; Results; Conclusions. It typically does not require any references but, if essential, then cite author(s) and year(s). Please avoid diagrams, illustrations, tables, references or graphics in the abstract. Also include keywords, i.e., words that a reader would be likely to use in searching for the content of the article. Also include list of all co-authors, whether they are or are not presenting.
Keywords Limit :
3-5 keywords
Title Limit :
30 words
Formatting :
in English, Spanish, German, Russian, Chinese, Portuguese and formatted in Microsoft Word, Single-spaced, 11 Arial Font.
Attachment :
Abstracts can be uploaded in any of the above languages and the file extension should be .doc, .docx , .pdf
e-Poster Session :
The e-poster session is proposed to highlight the activities in various areas of Homoeopathy. Best poster awards will be presented to students participating in the poster session. A committee comprising of eminent scientists will make its decision on the best posters presented in the conference.