Scientific Presentation Guidelines

  • The Oral presentation will be for 15 minutes (up to 20 slides) + 5 minutes for discussion as per the program.
  • Selected Posters have been given Short Oral Presentation of 10 Minutes (7-10 slides) as per the Program
  • Only Poster presentation shall also be given opportunity to present their work in 5 minutes (slides not required) to the Chair and expert group of the respected theme for the evaluation as per the program.
  • There will also be Panel discussion (Round table) on selected Theme wherein all the speakers i.e. Key speakers, Oral presenters and Poster presenters will be invited for an interaction on the respective subject. This discussion will also be open for participation to the delegates having specific interest in the subject. These panels will be announced in the program.
  • In addition, all authors irrespective of their presentation will have opportunity to interact with the delegates in the Networking area in small groups.
  • It is advisable that presenter should not waste their allotted time in greetings Charis/panelists individually by name as these are given in the program and shall all be shared moderator of the session.
  • The last date for submission of Posters(JPG or JPEG) and PPT’s is 28th November 2021.
  • The files as an attachment needs to be sent on with proper subject mentioning as "Name | Abstract ID | Final Mode of Presentation" as confirmed by the scientific committee.
  • Ensure you are connected via Laptop with good and stable Wi-Fi internet connection.
  • Keep your Direct Login Link ready and available with you.
  • Login 20 minutes before your Session Timing.
  • Plan the duration of your Presentation / Talk as per the scheduled session time length provided to you.
  • Check your Laptop’s Camera and Mic functioning beforehand.
  • You are requested to join through laptop\desktop only. You will not be able to present properly if logged in through a mobile.
  • For clear video, please sit with the light source in front of you (not behind you).
  • For clear audio, please sit in a closed room with no noise or sound disturbances.
  • Kindly make note of all points discussed during Speaker Training for a seamless experience.
  • Please do not open Delegate Platform on browser on same computer where you are using zoom link.
  • Please keep your microphone and video off when not speaking. Once your turn comes for presentation as per session, please switch on your microphone and video for presentation.
  • Please do not have 2 devices logged on in same room.
  • You can use headphone while presenting.
  • Please adhere to the timelines during your presentation.
General Specifications
  • The E-poster will be displayed on standard Portrait Format.
  • File format should be High Resolution JPEG (below 2 Mb file).
  • Single JPEG should be sent.
  • E Poster should be 42 X 59.5 cms (Conference or Event poster) in size.
  • For creating an e-poster, you can use this free online website Sign up with Google or Facebook, or with your own email and password. In the search box, search for ‘Conference poster’. From the options shown, you can either choose from the templates, or choose from a blank template, and create your own poster by adding photos, text etc.
  • Animation/movies/sounds will not be supported; please submit in a static JPEG (Not GIF etc.)
Design Specifications
  • The E-poster needs to be created as per suggestion under:-
    1. The poster title should be displayed prominently at the top of the poster.
    2. The text should include (most likely as separate elements of the poster) Introduction, Aim, Methods, Results, Conclusion and Acknowledgements
  • The poster should be self-explanatory. Text should be brief and well organized.
  • The typeface chosen should be a simple and clear one (e.g. Helvetica)
  • The correct font size depends greatly on the fonts used in the JPEG and the thumb rule should be that if its visible well on the computer screen it shall be visible on the E-Poster Display Screen.
Color Suggestions:
  • When using light backgrounds (white, yellow, light blue) we suggest using dark fonts (black, navy blue, dark green).
  • When using dark backgrounds (blue, purple) we suggest using light fonts (white, yellow, cyan).
  • Avoid using red or green in any fonts or backgrounds as they are colors that are difficult to read.
  • Illustrations/images/photographs used in the E-poster should be enlarged enough to show relevant details.
  • Please Login preferably using a laptop with good Wi-Fi internet connection. You can Login using your Mobile Phone as well with a good 4G internet connection.
  • Ensure that your internet connection is always stable.
  • If using Mobile Phone, please keep it in horizontal (landscape) mode for best viewing.
  • You can directly Login using your credentials sent on your registered email ID.
  • The unique link will open at one device only.
  • Spot registration facility as attendee will be also there.
  • On entering the portal, you can access all areas as per your choice:
    • Conference Hall
    • Exhibition Hall (including Chat and document viewing)
    • Poster Sessions
    • Networking Zone
    • Q & A, Chat in conference Hall
    • Conference Agenda
    • Information Desk

Abstract Guidelines :

An abstract should normally be within 300 words (excluding titles & key words). It should give an outline/summary of the work with the substantive results and major conclusions. It should preferably be structured and include sub sections: Background/ introduction/ rationale; Methods; Results; Conclusions. It typically does not require any references but, if essential, then cite author(s) and year(s). Please avoid diagrams, illustrations, tables, references or graphics in the abstract. Also include keywords, i.e., words that a reader would be likely to use in searching for the content of the article. Also include list of all co-authors, whether they are or are not presenting.

Keywords Limit :

3-5 keywords

Title Limit :

30 words

Formatting :

in English, Spanish, German, Russian, Chinese, Portuguese and formatted in Microsoft Word, Single-spaced, 11 Arial Font.

Attachment :

Abstracts can be uploaded in any of the above languages and the file extension should be .doc, .docx , .pdf

e-Poster Session :

The e-poster session is proposed to highlight the activities in various areas of Homoeopathy. Best poster awards will be presented to students participating in the poster session. A committee comprising of eminent scientists will make its decision on the best posters presented in the conference.

Abstract Submission Closed   

Online Registration
is mandatory for Abstract Submission


Epidemic and Pandemic : Experiences of Acute and Long COVID-19
Improving Education, Practice & Research
Homoeopathy within Traditional Complimentary Integrative Medicine (TCIM)
Implications of Big Data Revolution
Innovation in Pharmaceuticals : Use of Biological in Homoeopathy
Case reports, Observational, Pragmatic & Randomized Control Trials
Experiences in Cancer & Chronic Disease Management
Emerging new Infections & Antibiotics Resistance
Homoeopathic Pathogenetic Trials & Global Strategy
New Drugs from Nosodes, Signaling Molecule, Sarcodes
Disruptive Technologies in Manufacturing, Potentization & Product Registration
Basic, Fundamental, and Pre-clinical Research
Challenges of Veterinary Medicine
Experiences in Dentistry
Homoeopathy for Agriculture and Plants