Shri Satyendar Jain
Hon’ble Minister of Health
GNCTD, India

David Tredinnick was for over 30 years, (1987 to 2019), a Member of the House of Commons in the UK Parliament, and a strong supporter of homeopathy. He was Chair of the Parliamentary Group for Integrated Healthcare, ( previously Integrated and Complementary Healthcare), from 2002 to 2019 and a Member of the Commons Health Select Committee 2000 to 2015. He is an Honorary Fellow of the UK Society of Homeopaths, awarded “in recognition of his outstanding contribution and service to homeopathy”
Shri Satyendar Jain was born in Village Kirthal, District Baghpat, Uttar Pradesh. He did his schooling from Ramjas School, No.2, Delhi and Graduation in Architecture from Indian Institute of Architects.
He joined CPWD and later on quit his job to set up an Architectural Consultancy firm. He has been closely associated with various social service causes and groups. He became deeply involved in Anna Hazare’s movement against corruption and quit his career to pursue the same earnestly. He is a founder member of Aam Aadmi Party.
He served as Health and Industries Minister in the first AAP Government from 28th December, 2013 to 14th February, 2014. He was re-elected from Shakur Basti Assembly Constituency in 2015 and 2020 Assembly elections and is presently serving as Minister of Home, Power, Water, PWD, Health & FW, Urban Development, Flood & Irrigation and Industries, Govt. of NCT of Delhi.
Born on 18th June, 1963, Vaidya Rajesh Kotecha did his M.D. (Ayurveda) from Gujarat Ayurveda University, Jamnagar in 1991. Vaidya Rajesh Kotecha has many publications to his credit. His book “A Beginner’s Guide to Ayurveda” does not only give an insight into Ayurveda to novice but it is also a rendition of Ayurvedic tenants in a simplistic way. Vaidya Rajesh Kotecha was awarded Padmashri, 4th Highest Civilian Award declared by the President of India on 26th January, 2015.
He has been an active member of various research councils and advisory boards/ committees of many institutions/ organizations in the field of Ayurvedic education. Before joining as Secretary to Government of India, Ministry of AYUSH, he has held the prestigious position of Vice-Chancellor, Gujarat Ayurveda University, Jamnagar and has been working as Chief Consultant of Chakrapani Ayurveda Clinic & Research Center, Jaipur.
With an honours degree in Commerce from Shri Ram College of Commerce, ICWA and an MBA
from the Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore, he worked for three years in the field of
corporate finance before joining the Indian Administrative Service (IAS) in 1990.
As a member of the Union Territory cadre, he has had memorable stints in Goa, Daman & Diu,
Andaman & Nicobar Islands and Chandigarh, including as the Administrator, Union Territories of
Daman & Diu and Dadra & Nagar Haveli, where he worked as the constitutional and administrative
head of the territories.
He has worked in key positions at Government of India as well. As Director (Banking), Ministry of
Finance, he played a role in several major initiatives in India’s banking sector. He was then deputed
as Counsellor (Economic) in the Indian Embassy at Washington DC, USA where he was actively
involved in India-US bilateral engagements in finance, energy and agriculture for over three years.
His last assignment in Government of India was in Ministry of Commerce & Industry as Joint
Secretary, and later as Additional Secretary, for over 5 years where he was responsible for India’s
trade relations with the neighbouring countries and Iran, as well as export promotion, world-wide, of
engineering products. During the tenure, he also worked as Director General, Trade Remedies and led
the India Brand Equity Foundation as its CEO.
He is currently posted as Additional Chief Secretary, Government of Delhi, heading the Home and
Health & Family Welfare Departments.
He has been conferred with the Today’s Traveller Award 2014 for Exemplary Contribution in
Planning and Structuring of Daman & Diu and Dadra & Nagar Haveli.
As a Fellow Member of the Institute of Cost Accountants of India, he was also conferred with the
inaugural CMA Ratna Award 2016 by the Institute for significant contribution to the cause of society
and the profession as a policymaker.
George Vithoulkas is today:
Dr Robbert van Haselen qualified in Health Sciences and complementary medicine, and worked in private practice for eight years. From 1990 onwards, he dedicated his professional career to exploring Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) practices in the context of rigorous science.
Between 1990 and 1995 he worked as Head of Clinical Research at VSM Geneesmiddelen, a Dutch homeopathic pharmaceutical company. From 1995 to 2005, he worked at the Royal London Homoeopathic Hospital as Deputy Director of Research and as a research consultant for the private sector. From 2006 to 2011 he worked as Head of Research for Heel, a leading German homeopathic pharmaceutical company.
He took over as Editor-in-Chief of the journal 'Complementary Therapies in Medicine' in 2005, and by handover in 2015 turned it into one of the world’s leading peer reviewed scientific journals dedicated to Traditional and Integrated Medicine, receiving more than 600 submissions from over 50 countries (2016 Impact Factor 2.01; 5-year Impact Factor 2.34).
From 1995 to 2005 he was co-ordinator of the Research Subcommittee of the European Committee of Homeopathy, which represents all medical doctors with an additional qualification in homeopathy in 25 European countries. After 2005, he has remained actively involved as a member, and he is currently involved in a project to promote 'critical thinking' in both research and education of homeopathy.
He is a member of the Homoepathic Pharmacopoeia Convention of the United States (HPCUS) since 2009, and was appointed as chair of the Clinical Documentation Committee in 2012. The latter involves the development of guidelines for the quality and reporting of clinical data, including provings and clinical case materials. A new Clinical Data Guideline was completed in March 2018 and revised in April 2019 and is currently available as a draft on the HPUS website. He is chair of the HPUS / Ministry of AYUSH (India) Joint Committee, which aims to foster a closer collaboration between the HPUS and the Government of India regarding the regulation of homeopathic medicinal products.
Dr Geetha Krishnan works with the World Health Organisation at Geneva. As a technical officer at the Traditional Complementary and Integrative Medicine unit, he is engaged with the development of benchmark documents for several TM systems. He is also the focal point for inclusion of TM chapter in the 11th edition of ICD 11. He has been also instrumental in the development and publication of the mYoga app, a mobile for supporting safe learning and practice of Yoga. Dr Geetha is researcher and has been recently associated with clinical trials and research in the area of COVID. He also has been instrumental in building international multinational collaborative programs in the area of CAM.
Michael Frass, MD, Professor of Medicine, Specialist in Internal Medicine, Homeopathy, Senior Intensivist. Head, Outpatient Unit 2004 to 2019: Homeopathy in malignant Diseases, Division of Clinical Oncology, Department of Internal Medicine I, Medical University Vienna, Austria. Vice President ”Doctors Association for Classical Homeopathy”, President "Austrian Umbrella Association for Medical Holistic Medicine”, Chairperson of WissHom: Scientific Society for Homeopathy. Invention, development, and evaluation of the Esophageal Tracheal Combitube. The Combitube is included as a Class IIa device in the Guidelines of the American Heart Association (AHA).
Michael Frass, MD, Professor of Medicine, Specialist in Internal Medicine, Homeopathy, Senior Intensivist. Head, Outpatient Unit 2014 to 2019: Homeopathy in malignant Diseases, Division of Clinical Oncology, Department of Internal Medicine I, Medical University Vienna, Austria. Vice President ”Doctors Association for Classical Homeopathy”, President "Austrian Umbrella Association for Medical Holistic Medicine”, Chairperson of WissHom: Scientific Society for Homeopathy. Invention, development, and evaluation of the Esophageal Tracheal Combitube (CombitubeTM, produced by Covidien, Mansfield, Massachusetts, USA). The Combitube is included as a Class IIa device in the Guidelines of the American Heart Association (AHA).
Dr. Menachem Oberbaum, MD, FFHom (Lond.). Dr. Menachem Oberbaum Director, Centre for Integrative Complementary Medicine (CICM) ShaareZedek Medical Centre, Jerusalem, Israel. Dr. Oberbaum has published close to 80 articles He has published articles on an array of topics including treating mouth sores in cancer patients who have undergone chemotherapy and how to reduce women's bleeding in the delivery room.
Jennifer Jacobs, MD, MPH is a retired family practice physician who specialized in homeopathic medicine. She is also a clinical assistant professor in epidemiology at the University of Washington School of Public Health and Community Medicine. She received her MD degree from Wayne State University and a Masters in Public Health from the University of Washington. She is a past-president of the American Institute of Homeopathy, has served on the advisory board of the NIH Office of Alternative Medicine, and co-founded the special interest group of the American Public Health Association on Complementary and Alternative Health Practices. Dr. Jacobs has published numerous homeopathic research studies in peer-reviewed medical journals, such as Pediatrics, the Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal, and the European Journal of Integrative Medicine. She is also the co-author of Healing with Homeopathy and the author of several book chapters about alternative medicine. Her most recent book, Do You Really Need That Pill?, takes on the growing epidemic of over-medication.
Born in Alessandria (Italy) in 1954, graduated cum laude at the University of Milan (Italy) in Medicine in 1979; specialized in Infectious Diseases in 1982. Co-founder of Lycopodium group Homeopathia Europea in 1979. Since 1991 Member of the Faculty of Homeopathy of London (MFHom) and FFHom (Hon) since 2018. Listened as expert on AIDS and complementary therapy by the National Commission on AIDS of the Italian Ministry of Health (1995). President of Scientific Board of 51st International Congress of Liga Medicorum Homeopathica Internationalis, Capri 2-6 October 1996. Member of Complementary Medicine National Commission of Italian Ministry of Health 1996-2001 and of the CM Regional Commission of Tuscany since 1998. Scientific director of the national journal Medicina Integrata since 1998, and author of the weekly rubric The Other Medicine on “R. Salute” supplement of the national newspaper Repubblica (2004 – 2014). Director of the Homeopathic Clinic, Regional Center of reference, and Director of the Coordination center for CM of the Health Unit Tuscany North West. Director of the clinic of CM in oncology of the Hospital of Lucca. Member of the board of the Tuscan Regional Center for Integrative Medicine (since 2019). Lecturer of Master courses on CM in oncology (Integrative oncology) at the University of Chieti and University “La Sapienza” Rome He participated in the European Union Working Group 2 of COST Action E39 “Forest, Trees, and Human Health and Wellbeing” (2010). Advisor for CM projects in international cooperation programs of UNOPS (United Nations) since 1999 and consultant of ART/UNDP Geneve-Bruxelles. Co-president of the 5th European Congress Integrative Medicine 2012 in Florence. Member of the Tuscany Region delegation of the Inter-regional “Complementary Medicine” Group of the National Health Commission-Italian State-Regions Conference (2007-2015). Scientific responsible of the chapter CAM in cancer care of the European Partnership Action Against Cancer. Since 2015 member of the Quality Assurance Scheme Development Group for Breast Cancer services managed by JRC (Ispra) and promoted by European Commission Breast Cancer Initiative. Co-author of the book Complementary medicine for cancer patient. Firenze, 2015 and author and co-author of numerous publications in international peer review journals.
Graduated from Nehru Homoeopathic Medical College; New Delhi,
M.D.(Hom) from Dr MPK Homoeopathic Medical College, Jaipur; Master
degree in Health care administration [M.B.A.(HCA)] from Delhi University,
India. Conferred Honorary F.F. (Hom) by the Faculty of Homoeopathy, UK
and Honorary Doctorate in Traditional and Complementary Medicine [PhD
(TCM)] by Cyberjaya University College of Medical Sciences, Malaysia.
Distinguished experience of about 40 years, as a clinician, researcher, teacher
and health administration. Worked in various positions in Government
sector, last being Director-General, at Central Council for Research in
Homoeopathy, under Ministry of AYUSH, Government of India (2012 to
Provided supportive supervision as Principal Investigator/Co-PI to 30 clinical,
22 fundamental, 40 verification, 20 drug proving studies and 3 public health
30 MoUs with homoeopathic medical colleges and 10 MoUs with different
organizations in the USA, UK, Mexico, Argentina, Canada, Armenia, Australia,
Brazil, Germany and Israel were signed for creating a network for National &
International multicentric studies. Short-Term Studentship in Homoeopathy
(STSH) program and MD scholarship program were instituted for inculcating
research aptitude among students at Homoeopathic colleges.
As Chairman of sub-committee of Drug Technical Advisory Board, of
The government of India brought amendments in the rules of Drug and
cosmetic Act for popularizing and ensuring wide availability of
homoeopathic drugs.
As Director (AYUSH) spearheading several initiatives of Government in
providing care to COVID-19 patients using AYUSH systems beside
undertaking 5 clinical research projects on data collection.
Graduated as medical doctor in 1977, as GP in 1978, University of Utrecht, the Netherlands
Worked as a GP in his private practice for five years, started homeopathic training in 1979. Additional training in philosophy, statistics and research methodology. From 1983 on homeopathic physician.
Several organisational functions in national and international homeopathic professional and educational organisations, and teacher of homeopathy in postgraduate training for doctors in the Netherlands.
Appointed Officer in the Order of Orange Nassau by the former Queen of the Netherlands in 2003.
Since 1998 engaged in prognostic factor research (PFR) as an independent researcher. Among other activities prospective PFR on more than 4,000 patients in 10 practices in the Netherlands. Involved in various PFR projects worldwide. Since 2014 advisor of the Central Council for Research in Homeopathy of the Ministry of AYUSH on PFR. Member of the editorial advisory boards of ‘Homeopathy’ and ‘Indian Journal of Research in Homeopathy’. Wrote two books about Bayesian statistics and PFR in homeopathy. Published many papers in international homeopathic and conventional journals, of which about 50 registered in Pubmed.
Coordinator of the LMHI COVID-19 data collection team. Produced a Bayesian mini-repertory for COVID-19 and corresponding app.
Dr. Petra Weiermayer graduated with a Doctorate from the University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna in 2007 and completed her Equine Internship in 2008.
After working in equine practice in 2012 she opened her own veterinary practice.
In 2009 she achieved the EAVH (European Academy of Veterinary Homeopathy) diploma, in 2018 she completed the 5 years training as Specialist veterinarian for homeopathy of the Austrian Veterinary Association.
From 2009 to 2014 she was employed as Clinical expert to the Austrian Agency for Health and Food Security GmbH (AGES) and is presently head of the Research Section of WissHom (Society for Scientific Homeopathy).
She is currently President of the OEGVH (Austrian Society for Veterinary Homeopathy) and between 2015and 2018 served as General Secretary of IAVH (International Association for Veterinary Homeopathy). Since 2019 she is coordinator of the Research Section of WissHom (Scientific Society for Homeopathy).
Petra has lectured on veterinary homeopathy around the world, and in recent years she has focussed on the role of homeopathy in addressing the issue of antibiotic resistance, presenting to various symposia including: the World Veterinary Congress in Spain, the World Integrated Medicine Forum in India, the ECH / IAVH Symposium in Bulgaria and the WissHom ICE Congress in Germany, presenting: "The Importance of homeopathy in the fight against antibiotic resistance from a veterinary point of view" and "Homeopathy and conventional medicine optimally combined for the benefit of patients – study designs in human and veterinary homeopathy".
In 2018 her case report ‘Wound healing disorder in a horse, associated with antimicrobial resistant bacteria, resolved with a homeopathic medicine’ was published in the journal "Equine Veterinary Science".
In 2020 she co-authored the review: "Evidence-based homeopathy and veterinary homeopathy, and its potential to help overcome the antimicrobial resistance problem – an overview" which was published in a conventional peer reviewed journal Swiss Archiv for Veterinary Medicine. This will form the basis of her presentation.
Further details are available on her website:
Dana Ullman, MPH, CCH, has written ten books on homeopathy, including two that contain a Foreword by the Physician to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, "The Homeopathic Revolution: Why Famous People and Cultural Heroes Choose Homeopathy" and "Discovering Homeopathy: Medicine for the 21st Century." He has also authored chapters on homeopathy in four medical textbooks, two of which were published by Oxford University Press. He has authored dozens of articles in peer-reviewed journals and hundreds of articles in various magazines and major websites, such as the Huffington Post. He has served on Advisory Boards of alternative medicine institutes at Columbia University, University of Arizona, and the University of Alaska. Dana's website, www.homeopathic.com, is the most visited website on homeopathy on the internet.
Dr. Jayesh Bellare is Institute Chair Professor of Chemical Engineering at IIT Bombay. He is a renowned expert in nanostructured materials for healthcare, biomedical devices, and electron microscopy. His research includes nanomedicines across multiple systems of medicines (particularly Homeopathic medicines, Ayurvedic Bhasma and Allopathich nanoparticles), 3D scaffolds, regenerative medicine, hollow-fiber-membranes, and stem-cell expansion. He is an expert in cryo-electron microscopy of soft nanomaterials. He is an elected Fellow of the National Academy of Science, India, the Indian National Academy of Engineering, the Maharashtra Academy of Sciences, and the Electron Microscopy Society of India.
He is a consultant to several industries, advisor to many Government panels and institutions, and has served on the board of directors of two companies. He has numerous publications, patents and awards. Among the recent ones are the Lifetime Achievement Award from the Government of India, Ministry of Ayush for his Nanotechnology work, and the Excellence in Teaching Award from the Department of Chemical Engineering, IIT Bombay.
Born on 14th May, 1961, she did her doctorate from the prestigious Post Graduate Institute of Medical Education and Research, Chandigarh in 1991. After working as a CSIR-Research Associate and Senior Research Officer in the Indo-US project at PGIMER, she joined the present Department as a Reader in 1998 and became Professor in 2006. Her field of specialization is Parasite Immunology and Therapeutics with special emphasis on visceral leishmaniasis.
She has mentored more than 60 post-graduate, doctoral (PhD) and post-doctoral students. She is also a fellow of the prestigious Indian Society for Parasitology and Zoological Society of India. She has held many administrative positions such as Coordinator of the Central Animal house and NSS and was Chairperson of the Department from 2015-2018. She is the Coordinator of the UGC Centre for Advanced Studies (2015-2020) with a grant of ~180 lacs.
Presently she is the President of the Indian Society for Parasitology. Dr. Kaur has received number of extramural grants from ICMR, UGC, DST-SERB-EMR. She is on the panel of many National and State Bodies and Organisations as an Expert Member.
She has published 70-75 research papers in journals of international repute. Currently she is handling 3 national projects and working into the molecular mechanisms of plants products and their active components.
Based on her experience in the field of Therapeutics and Vaccinology she was sanctioned a project from CCRH and presently is working in collaboration with them for generating experimental data on the efficacy of homeopathic drugs against life threatening parasitic diseases.
Rajesh is a global homeopath, researcher and an academician. He is in the book of world records for treating patients from highest number of countries, the count is 180 countries.
He has been seriously working on New Drug Discovery since about two decades. He has developed over 150 new homeopathic medicines, including those from biological sources such as HIV nosode, Hepatitis C nosode, Mycobacterium Tuberculosis nosode, Cancer nosode, Malaria nosode, E Coli Nosode, and more. He has also conducted double-blind, placebo controlled Drug Provings, Clinical trials, experiments in animal models, plant models, as well as in-vitro studies, in collaboration with reputed institutions such as Haffkin Institute, ICT (UDCT), IIT-Bombay, Tata Memorial, Nair hospital, Mumbai University, etc.
He has introduced 17 step scientific method of development of new nosodes. He is working on revamping all major homeopathic nosodes.
He has also defined Force parameters for Standardization of Potentization. His studies have demonstrated Bathochromic effects due to potentization.
His research papers on New Drug Discovery are published in peer-reviewed, international journals. He is an author of several books. He has conducted seminars and workshops for homeopathic and allopathic doctors in India, USA, England, Belgium, Holland, Greece, Sweden, Norway, Japan, Croatia, and other countries. He is an author of several books.
Recently, he has developed and researched on COVID-19 Nosode, conducted double-blind placebo-controlled trials,
and demonstrated its prophylactic and immunomodulatory efficacy.
Prof. (Dr) P. K. Sudhir is a leading Academician, Administrator and Researcher in the field of Homoeopathy and Health Sciences. He did BHMS and MD (Hom) from Government Homoeopathic Medical College, Calicut, Kerala, India and incidentally became the first resident MD (Hom) holder in Materia Medica in the year 1995. Represented various Health Science Universities in India in different capacities. Currently Prof. (Dr) P. K. Sudhir is the Vice-Chancellor of Vinayaka Mission’s Research Foundation (Deemed to be University) (VMRF-DU) Salem, Tamilnadu, India since September 2018, the first Vice-Chancellor in a multidisciplinary University from the field of Homoeopathy. VMRF-DU is a Health Science predominant University offering UG, PG & Ph.D programs in the Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry, Homoeopathy, Nursing, Pharmacy, Allied Health Sciences, Engineering & Technology, Management etc., He is having more than 30 years professional experience and more than 20 years academic and administrative experience in the field of Homoeopathy.
Previously Prof. (Dr) P. K. Sudhir was the Controller of Examinations of Kerala University of Health Sciences (KUHS), Thrissur, Kerala, India for a period of 8 years. He was also the Principal, Prof. & Head, Department of Materia Medica at Vinayaka Mission’s Homoeopathic Medical College & Hospital, Salem, a constituent college of VMRF-DU for a period of 10 years. He has delivered lectures and presented many scientific papers in various National & International Conferences in India and abroad. He has been awarded National Rejoice AYUSH Award in 2019.
Michael Teut is a homeopathic family physician, he works as researcher at Charité Universitätsmedizin in Berlin, Germany. He is specialized in integrative medicine, research methodology, geriatrics, healthy ageing, homeopathy and hypnotherapy
Dr Tournier studied Physics at Imperial College, and Theoretical Physics at Cambridge University, before writing his PhD on the Biophysics of water at the interface with biological molecules at the University of Heidelberg, Germany. Dr Tournier worked for 10 years at Cancer Research UK as a researcher working on problems at the interface between biology, physics and mathematics. Dr Alexander Tournier is a founding director of the Homeopathy Research Institute. He recently headed the Water Research Lab in Germany, which was dedicated to fundamental research into homeopathy. He is currently a research associate at the Institute for research into complementary medicines (IKIM) at Bern university, where is pursues basic and fundamental research into homeopathy.
Dr. Hoover is Secretary of Homeopathic Pharmacopeia of the United States (HPCUS). Born in the United States, he graduated from Jefferson Medical College and was subsequently board-certified in Family Medicine and Homeopathic Medicine. He practiced Family Medicine, Homeopathic Medicine, and Aerospace Medicine for over thirty years.
Prior leadership positions include President of the American Institute of Homeopathy, U.S. National Vice President for the Liga Medicorum Homeopathica Internationalis, and President of the Council on Homeopathic Education. Over the past ten years he has led teams at the HPCUS for development of Proving Guidelines, Clinical Data Guidelines, and the procedural infrastructure for the organization.
Dr. Hoover has been principal investigator in published research initiatives in both homeopathic and allopathic disciplines. He has been featured as a homeopathic presenter at both national and international congresses. In 2015, he represented the HPCUS during both the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and Federal Trade Commission hearings on Homeopathic Medicine.
In the past seven years, Dr. Hoover has furthered his lifelong exploration of the disciplines of yoga, becoming a Yogacharya and a doctoral candidate at the Lakulish University in Gujarat, India. He has published several books and articles on yoga and expects to complete his thesis in the coming year.
Doctor in Veterinary Medicine by the University of São Paulo - Brazil (USP, 1987)
Master's degree (1990) and PhD (1995) in Experimental and Comparative Pathology by the University of São Paulo (USP), Brazil, with co-participation of École Nationale Vétérinaire de Lyon - France (1992-1993)
Post-Doctorate in Environmental and Experimental Pathology by UNIP – São Paulo - Brazil (2015)
Full Professor at Universidade Paulista – UNIP (undergraduate and postgraduate levels) since 1991
President (2002-2008) and Vice-President (2008-2014) of GIRI (Groupe International de Recherche sur l'Infinitésimal) – www.giri-society.org
Deputy Editor of “Homeopathy” Journal – Thieme Publishers, since 2015
Member of the editorial board of the International Journal of High Dilution Research (IJHDR), since 2007 and Water – A Multidisciplinary Research Journal, since 2020.
Member of IPWS (International Panel on Water Structure - https://ipws.global/
Website: www.biodilutions.com
Published books : 04
Scientific articles : 114
Chapters : 11
Master of Science students advising : 22
PhD students advising : 09
Post-Doc students advising : 02
Google Scholar metrics (May 2021): Citations = 1482; H Index = 21; i10 Index = 44
Last publications on Homeopathy (2018-2021)
Dr. Frederik Schroyens is a 1977 medical graduate of the State University of Gent (Belgium) and a 1978 graduate of the one-year Homeopathic Training Course at the Faculty for Homeopathy in London. He is practicing homeopathy since 1978.
In 1981, Dr. Schroyens became the constitutive President of VSU, the first Flemish homeopathic school in Belgium.
Since 1986 he became the Scientific Co-ordinator of the RadarOpus related projects.
In 1993 he edited a printed version of Synthesis, the expanded Repertory linked to RadarOpus. Successive editions have been printed over 60 times in 6 languages, making it the most widely used homeopathic repertory to date.
Dr. Schroyens has been lecturing in most European countries as well as in South Africa, Asia, North and South America.
Paolo Bellavite is a medical doctor, specialized in Haematology. He holds a MPhil in Biotechnology and a master in Health Statistics and Clinical Epidemiology. He worked as Professor of General Pathology in the School of Medicine, Verona University until June 2017, then he continued research work as teaching Assistant and research supervisor until May 2021. He was recently engaged as Professor of Physiopathology by a post-doctoral Homeopathic Medical School based in Verona (It) and recognized by Regione Veneto. His areas of research focused on inflammation, leukocytes and platelets. On several experimental models, in collaboration with others Bellavite has investigated the action mechanisms of several drugs, including homeopathic and vegetable compounds. He has published over 250 scientific papers, 160 of which are in Pubmed, and several books.
Dr. Jose Matuk was born in Mexico City. He studied medicine at the Faculty of Medicine in the "Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico "(UNAM). He studied Homeopathy at the School "Homeopata de Mexico", an institution with official registration for Homeopathy, and had different activities in the school, as President, Director of the School, and Treasurer. Dr. Matuk is the President of the Board at the "Collage of Homeopata de Mexico”. He teaches different courses in Homeopathic Doctrine, Materia Medica Homeopatica, Repertory, History, and Miasmatic Clinic.
In 1999, Dr. Matuk became member of the Board at the "College of Homeopatia de Medicos Universitarios". Until today, he has been the leader and a teacher of the Seminars in Homeopathy Internationalis in different work groups. He is also member of the College of "Colegio Cientifico de Medicos Homeopatas de Mexico".
Dr. Matuk translated Dr. Samuel Hahnemann's Organon of Medicine, 5th and 6th edition, into Spanish. In the LMHI, Dr. Matuk has gained a lot of experience; he has been working for more than 17 years in different functions, starting as the National Vice President for Mexico (as assistance).
1995-1998 Secretary for Propaganda
1998- 2002 Secretary for Public Relations
2002-2004 Secretary for Archives
2004-2007 Prime General Secretary
2007- 2010 Prime Vice President
2010 elected President of the LMHI
2010 Past Presidente Of LMHI
After studying English and Education at Cambridge University, Philippa worked as a special needs teacher and early years family adviser. Whilst her own four girls were young, she trained as a homeopath and was startled by the effectiveness of homeopathic treatment for some of her former pupils. So she amalgamated her two professions specialising in the homeopathic treatment of children with neurodevelopmental and behavioural disorders.
Trying to understand the evidence issues surrounding homeopathy, she completed a BSc in Homeopathy; an MSc in Research Methodology in Psychology; and a PhD in public health, supervised by Dr Clare Relton. During these she conducted a consecutive comparative case series of homeopathic treatment for children with ADHD; and a pilot pragmatic RCT comparing the effectiveness of treatment by homeopaths or nutritional therapists for ADHD with treatment as usual.
Philippa is dedicated to providing good quality, real life research evidence with the aim of improving health outcomes, and works with therapists, academics and trialists to this end. She is a Research Fellow at St Mary’s University where she teaches on the Chronic Disease Management MSc, is currently managing a trial of Kefir for ADHD, and hopes soon to conduct homeopathy research.
Academic activities:
Dr. Theodore Lilas is Assistant Professor at University of the Aegean. He is an Electrical and Computer Engineer from National Technical University of Athens. He holds MSc in Computer Science from Columbia University, where he received graduate research assistantship from Center for Telecommunications Research for Student Electronic Notebook, a predecessor of tablets from IBM. His PhD thesis was supported with research assistantship from General Secretary for Research and Technology in the field of artificial intelligence enhancing robotics with computer vision. Has participated in several National and European research projects including expert systems, telemedicine and robotics rehabilitation projects. Has also worked as consultant in industry and participated in intelligent automation projects. Since 2005 is teaching Computer Science and Telematics at Aegean University and in 2012 has been elected Assistant Professor in the same University. Research focuses on intelligent autonomous systems. Since 2011 he is coordinating R&D for VithoulkasCompass decision support system algorithms and research in data mining clinical cases.
Paulo Rosenbaum was born in São Paulo, Brazil in 1959. He is a GP-homeopathic doctor and writer. He has a Master's Degree in Preventive Medicine, a Doctorate in Sciences and a Post-Doctorate in Preventive Medicine from University of São Paulo, with more than a dozen books published in the area. He regularly writes for the Estado de São Paulo newspaper on the blog “Conto de Notícias”. Screenwriter and documentary producer, he served as editor of scientific journals in the field of health. He is a researcher in the field of clinical medicine, clinical semiology, doctor-patient relationship, prevention and health promotion and drug research. In addition to being an novelist. Before “Pendant Raizors”, he published the novels: “The Truth Cast to the Ground” (Record, 2010) and “Underground Sky”(Perspectiva, 2016).
Prof. Dr. Shailendra K. Saxena is the vice dean and Professor at King George\'s Medical University, Lucknow, India. His research interests involve understanding the molecular mechanisms of host defense during human viral infections and developing new predictive, preventive, and therapeutic strategies for them using Japanese encephalitis virus (JEV), HIV, and emerging viruses as a model via stem cell and cell culture technologies. His research work has been published in various high-impact factor journals (Science, PNAS, Nature Medicine) with a high number of citations. He has received many awards and honors in India and abroad including various Young Scientist Awards, BBSRC India Partnering Award, and Dr. JC Bose National Award of Department of Biotechnology, Min. of Science and Technology, Govt. of India. Dr. Saxena is a fellow of various prestigious international societies/academies including the Royal College of Pathologists, United Kingdom; Royal Societies of Biology and Chemistry, London, United Kingdom; and Academy of Translational Medicine Professionals, Austria. He was named a Global Leader in Science by The Scientist. He is also an international opinion leader/expert in the vaccination for Japanese encephalitis by IPIC (UK).
Dr. Seema Mahesh is a student of Professor George Vithoulkas and a renowned classical homeopath from Bangalore, India. She is also the Research Director of International Academy of Classical Homeopathy, Alonissos, Greece. Trained in Cochrane systematic review methods for her Masters, she has currently been accepted for PhD program at the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland.
With over 19 peer reviewed publications in journals of repute, she has presented numerous research posters in conventional medical conferences on immunology and chronic inflammation, including in Brooklyn New York, Fiji, Stockholm Sweden, Dublin Ireland, Amsterdam Netherlands, London UK, Madrid Spain, Vancouver Canada and Tel Aviv Israel, and on homeopathy at New Delhi India and Istanbul Turkey.
She was awarded the Certificate of Excellence" for her research poster at 'Movement - Brain - Body - Cognition' conference at Harvard Medical School, USA.
Known for her teaching, she has taught homeopathy and research on global platforms held at USA, Mexico, Greece, Brazil, Turkey, Thailand, Malaysia, Israel, Egypt and India with audience from across the world.
Dr. Farokh Master is a certainly a Gem of Homeopathy in terms of his knowledge and teaching on basic as well as advanced homeopathy subjects.
India’s First MD in Homeopathy who stood First Class First with Gold Medal.
First Indian to be honored by the House of Lords, UK for propagation of Homeopathic Systems of Medicine.
Instrumental in starting homeopathic out-patient department in many allopathic hospitals viz. Bombay Hospital, KEM Hospital & Ruby Hall, Pune.
Independently practicing as Homeopathic Physician at Homeopathic Health Center, Mumbai with over 29 years of experience in Homeopathic Consultation all over the world.
First Indian Homeopath to start his own Homeopathy Schools in Europe & USA under the name of Dr. Farokh Master Summer School. This school is currently run in more than 6 countries.
Awards & Accolades:
David Lilley (MBChB. FFHom) has practised homeopathy for 55 years. In 1995, he founded the South African Faculty of Homeopathy to provide homeopathic education for medical doctors and acted as dean until 2012. Since 2007, David has conducted a small select practice in Cape Town, South Africa, and devotes his time to writing and lecturing locally and internationally. His most recent publication is The Raven – A Flight through an Archetypal Force Field (2021).
Maestria en Homeopatia 2018, Academia Medico Homeopática de Barcelona, Barcelona, España.
Doctorado en Ciencias 2010, Centro de Ciencias Genómicas, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM).
Diplomado en Agrohomeopatía 2002, Facultad de Montaña del Escambray, Santi Espíritus, Cuba.
Licenciatura en Física Nuclear 1990, Instituto Superior de Ciencias y Tecnologías Nucleares, La Habana, Cuba.
Actualmente trabaja en el Departamento de Química y Bioquímica de la Universidad de Berna.
Especialista en Biología Molecular, Biotecnología, Proteómica, Espectrometría de Masas y Agrohomeopatía.
Homoeopathic physician - private clinic in Glees/Germany
Director “Glees Academy of Homoeopathic Physicians”
Ex-Lecturer on homoeopathy at the Faculty of Medicine, Bonn, Germany
Dr. Praful Barvalia, Founder Chairman, M.B.Barvalia Foundation’s Spandan organization, which is upgraded as Centre of Excellence in childcare and rehabilitation. Organization conducts Hospital and Special school. He has conducted quality research in the field of THYROID DISORDERS, AUTISM, MOOD DISORDER, SPD AND HIV/AIDS. Research findings were published in peer reviewed journals.
Dr. André Saine graduated in 1982 from the National College of Naturopathic Medicine in Portland, Oregon, with the objective to specialize in homeopathy.
The main thrust of Dr. Saine’s clinical work is the treatment of patients with serious pathology, which he began during his internship in his father’s clinic in 1978. He showed over the years that it is relatively easy to deal with patients with the most serious infectious, autoimmune and mental diseases. He has recently pushed the limits of homeopathy by documenting phenomenal results in patients with Parkinson’s diseases, genetic diseases, such as cystic fibrosis and retinitis pigmentosa, Alzheimer’s disease, acromegaly and stage III and IV cancer.
In addition to his private practice in Montreal, he spent a great deal of time teaching and writing. He co-founded of the Canadian Academy of Homeopathy (CAH) in 1986 and has since been its Dean and main instructor. The CAH offers postgraduate programs for professionals looking to deepen their knowledge of genuine homeopathy.
In 2005, Dr. Saine co-founded the Materia Medica Pura Project whose goal is to update the homeopathic materia medica and repertories for the first time since the monumental works of Constantine Hering and T.F. Allen over 130 years ago.
He writes extensively and just completed two books, Risks and Benefits of Vaccination—A Holistic Perspective—Do your Own Thinking, but First Inform Yourself, and The Use of Medicines for the Prevention of Epidemic Diseases—Scientific Evidence of the Efficacy of Belladonna to Prevent Scarlet Fever—A Systematic Review with its Documentation and Narratives.
He has also been busy writing for many years two monumental works, namely, first, Lessons in Pure Homeopathy, From the Writings of Hahnemann's Best Student and Medicine Most Successful Practitioner, which overviews the practice of pure homeopathy and its evolution over the centuries since Hahnemann and through the work of Adolph Lippe; and second, by documenting the extraordinary results obtained by homeopathy in times of epidemics in The Weight of Evidence.
Dr. Saine has confronted skeptics in public debates in universities on four occasions, which can all be viewed on the net.
Médico cirujano egresado de la pontificia universidad javeriana, magister en medicina alternativa área homeopatía de la universidad nacional de Colombia su Interés primordial ha sido el desarrollo de una homeopatía con niveles de excelencia en Colombia, pionero en descripciones de casos manejados con Homeopatía en Colombia y en trabajos de aplicación Clínica en la Universidad Nacional de Colombia (facultad de enfermería) y en el Colegio Odontológico Colombiano. Participante en la elaboración e implementación de programas de enseñanza de homeopatía en la asociación Médica homeopática de Colombia ASMHOC y en los cursos de extensión de Homeopatía y posteriormente en la maestría de medicina alternativa en la facultad de Medicina de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia, colaborador como representante de ASMHOC con el ministerio de la Protección social en la elaboración de normas que regulan a la homeopatía en Colombia. Conferencista en congresos homeopáticos Nacionales y mundiales, miembro de la sala especializada del medicamento Homeopático SEMH INVIMA. Profesor de la línea de profundización en el pregrado sobre medicina alternativa y complementaria en la facultad de medicina de la Universidad Militar Nueva Granada. Ex Profesor asociado en la cátedra Salud saneamiento y medio Ambiente en la especialización de medio ambiente y Desarrollo de la Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas en su facultad de medio Ambiente, profesor de cátedra de la universidad de Antioquia en la diplomatura de homeopatía para médicos organizado por la facultad de medicina, ex profesor de medicina alternativa en el programa de terapia respiratoria de la Fundación universitaria del Área Andina Sede Bogotá.
Dr Rajan Sankaran, MD (Hom), is an internationally renowned thinker, teacher and writer of the homoeopathic system of medicine from Mumbai (India). He graduated from the CMP Homeopathic Medical College in Mumbai where he was later associate professor for 25 years.
Dr Sankaran is reputed to be a clear and original thinker; best known for his innovative concepts in homoeopathy. His understanding of disease as a delusion followed by his discovery of newer miasms, classification of diseased states into kingdoms (viz. plant, mineral and animal) and the seven levels of experience, brought in much more clarity into understanding diseased states.
This method, popular as ‘Sensation method’ has now evolved into a more comprehensive and synergistic approach, which strongly advocates to encompass and integrate the old, classical and traditional approaches with the latest advances.
Dr Sankaran’s research and extensive clinical practice has led him to much deeper level of understanding grouped together as WISE processes (Witnessing Inner Song Experience); which are used in homoeopathic case-taking and also in health workshops for larger community.
Apart from India, Dr Sankaran teaches in several countries. Amongst his students are some of the well-known teachers of Homoeopathy and heads of several homoeopathic schools and colleges.
Dr Sankaran has written 22 books, many of which are translated in several languages. He is also the developer & innovator of a Case-Analysis Software Program called ‘Vital Quest’. He heads ‘the other song—International Academy of Advanced Homoeopathy’, in Mumbai. Dr Sankaran is also a guide to ‘Prana: The Homoeopathy Yoga Centre’ in Pune. Dr Sankaran is a trustee for ‘Homoeopathic research and charities’, which aims to create a holistic health wellness centre ‘Sampoornam’.
Dr Sankaran lives and practices in Mumbai (India)
Consideraciones: Inicios, Vigencia social, Educación, Asociaciones, Legislaciones, Investigación, Implementación en servicios de salud. Proyección
Ângela Augusta Lanner Vieira, formada em medicina pela Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul – UFRGS; residência médica em medicina interna na Santa Casa de Misericórdia de Porto Alegre, especialista em Homeopatia pelo CFM e pelo Convênio CFM-AMB-AMHB; formada em Curitiba sob a orientação do Dr. Javier Gamarra. Exerce clínica homeopática em consultório privado, em Porto Alegre, como médica voluntária em serviço de atenção à saúde do menor carente e sua família no Centro Itamar em Cachoeirinha; exerceu atividade de ensino homeopático como professora e coordenadora do Curso de Especialização em Homeopatia da Sociedade Gaúcha de Homeopatia; Coordenadora de pesquisa patogenética do núcleo de pesquisa do RGS; foi presidente da AMHB por dois biênios; presidiu o Congresso Brasileiro de Homeopatia , a Sociedade Gaúcha de Homeopatia e a Liga Homeopática do RGS, Coordenadora do Curso de Aprofundamento em Homeopatia de Porto Alegre, Coordenadora da Experimentação nacional de Chlorum e Coroninum.
MD, University of Chile. PhD Homeopathic Medicine, Hannover, Germany. Homeopathic Physician, with sanitary authorization from the Seremi de Salud. Meditation, Relaxation and Flower Essences Therapist in the Healing Route, Estudios Terapeuticos. Homeopathy Reference of the Ministry of Health, Chile. Medical Direction Estudios Terapéuticos. From 2011 to 2020, head of Integrative Medicine Unit, Hospital San Juan de Dios.
MD, University of Santiago de Chile. Diploma in Homeopathy, University of Santiago de Chile. He is a Homeopathic Physician, with sanitary authorization from the Seremi de Salud, Chile. In addition, he was trained as a Therapist in Meditation, Relaxation and Flower Essences in the Healing Route, at Estudios Terapéuticos, where he leads the department of Meditation and Inner Contact.
Iris Bell, MD PhD is a Board-certified psychiatrist and licensed conventional and homeopathic physician and Professor Emerita of Family and Community Medicine, Psychiatry, Psychology, Medicine, and Public Health at the University of Arizona. During her career, she has received multiple research grants for her work on nutrition, environmental health, and homeopathy as well as directed the NIH-funded Arizona CAM Research Training Program for 10 years. To date, Dr. Bell has published 150 professional peer-reviewed papers and 32 book chapters, many of which are on homeopathic preclinical, clinical, and basic science studies. She was honored for her work on homeopathic medicine with the C.F. Samuel Hahnemann Award (2018) by the American Institute of Homeopathy and with the Peter Fisher Memorial Award (2019) by the U.S. National Center for Homeopathy. Her current homeopathic research interests focus on the nanostructure nature of remedies and their interactions with signaling pathways and physiological subsystems of living systems as complex adaptive networks. She has also published several books for the general public on topics of integrative medicine in chronic illness, stress, inflammation, and environmentally-triggered conditions.
She is a physician who practices acupuncture and homeopathy. She works as a teacher of TCIM in different universities in Bogotá, Colombia. She has been working in projects of public health with TCIM, and she has also been working with indigenous communities, and traditional health knowledges. She has been a consultant for the Pan American Health Organization’s (PAHO)/WHO´s Latin American and Caribbean Center on Health Sciences Information (BIREME), and she is the Editor-in-chief of the VHL TCIM Americas (Virtual Health Library on Traditional, Complementary, and Integrative Medicine of the Americas). She is also member of the TCIM Americas Network http://mtci.bvsalud.org/en/
David Tredinnick
United Kingdom